Type Specifications

The typefaces are currently being sold with a Font Scheme (sometimes called an A-Count) of three through six. “3A” refers to a font of caps and “3a” refers to a font of lowercase. The graphic on this page indicates how many characters of each you will receive. Not all typefaces will include punctuation, symbols, and numbers — the description of each typeface will explain what is included in the font and what is not. Individual or replacement characters can also be purchased; use the contact form to inquire.

The type is offered in sizes 2 through 18 line. For reference, 6 line is approximately an inch.

12 points = 1 line = 1 pica 1 point = 0.01389”

The default type-height along the end grain is 0.918” ± 0.003”.

Custom type orders are always welcome at no additional charge, this includes detailed illustrations on larger blocks - a good alternative to photopolymer plates. Please use the contact form to inquire.

If you need a different size just ask; making really large type is a lot of fun.

Type Anatomy

Each sort has a nick carved on the front facing side signaling which direction a glyph should face while hand-setting.

Our maker’s mark will be carved on the underside of the first letter “A” of each font.

The maker’s mark of Columbia Gorge Book Arts.

A Note About Fine Detail & Its Stability

All fine detail is carved as angled “valleys”; the narrow ridges will not move or break when printing or removing ink.

Finishing & How to Care for Your Type

All of my type is French polished by hand and then sealed with jojoba oil. I store my jojoba oil in a jar and apply it liberally to all surfaces of the type using a small paint brush. You should remove any excess oil by dabbing at the surface with a lint free rag. I recommend doing this a couple times a year. Your skin and type will thank you.